Biostatistics and Research Awareness Network, Inc (BRAIN) is the product of a proposal submitted to the Biometrics Section of the ASA (American Statistical Association) in November 2013. The Section called for proposals “Developing The Next Generation Of Biostatisticians” which sought to fund projects that both provide an awareness of the field of biostatistics and encourage students to pursue it as a possible career choice. Although interest in the field of statistics is on the rise, the percentage of under-represented minorities (URMs) earning degrees in this field is still low. BRAIN is therefore a pipeline program designed to increase high school URM students’ awareness of and participation in biostatistics and health care/medical fields.
The primary goal of Biostatistics and Research Awareness Initiatives Network, Inc (BRAIN) is to provide underrepresented minority (URM) high school students with awareness of the field of biostatistics through immersion in data analysis and research as well as contact with other URMs in this field.
Involvement in BRAIN would provide biostatistics, health science research, and STEM exposure to students who may not have ever considered these fields as career choices. Furthermore, it would motivate students and provide self-awareness of responsible health practices as well as create civic and community engagement.
NEWS: Click title to read
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